Posts tagged kevin pepper photography
Have you ever considered Canada as your next Photography Vacation Destination?

Trying to decide where your next photography vacation is going to be? 

Did you know Lonely Planet named Canada as the #1 destination to visit? 

If you haven't looked at Canada, check out todays mid day blog post and maybe we can entice you to visit Canada in the next few years. 

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I want to introduce you to one of those magical destinations you will never forget

Canada is near and dear to my heart, its my home, and i love to guide people across my home country... but there is another place that will forever keep me coming back... and today I wanted to introduce you to a location that you didn't know was on your bucket list, but once you've been there, you will be saying, "I didn't know it was on my bucket list, but I just crossed it off my must see list"

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