Learn To Take Better Aurora Photographs

Before we get started, I want to give you an overview of the entire educational series of aurora blog posts that we have created to help you take better northern lights images. Please look below. Individually, each of the sections below is going to make you a better northern lights photographer. The blog posts I have written for you are meant to build upon each other. It doesn’t mean you have to read them in order. But I recommend it. :-)

All the content in this document comes from the most commonly asked questions over my ten years of leading aurora workshops in the northern hemisphere. Chances are, all your possible questions will be answered in this resource guide. You will find useful information on camera gear, what accessories to take, camera settings, composition techniques, and some advanced tips to help you and your friends create better aurora images.

Good luck photographing the Northern Lights,


Best cameras for Northern Lights Photography

In this section, you will learn what I suggest for the best cameras to help you capture the best northern light images.


Best Lenses For Northern Lights Photography

In this section, you will learn what I suggest for the best lenses to help you capture the best northern light images.


Photography Accessories

It’s not just having the best cameras and lenses that will help make your photography outing successful, it’s also the accessories that you take with you that will help you stay safe, and make sure you are better prepared on your aurora photography outing.


Camera Settings For Aurora Photography

The most commonly asked questions we get all the time are around settings. The camera and lens settings will have dramatic effects on both the quality, sharpness and look of the aurora as it dances in the skies.


my Best Clothing Suggestions for Aurora Photography

The Northern Lights are best photographed in the winter but there are shoulder seasons that can create amazing aurora images. Each of these seasons requires you to be prepared with the best clothing options. In this blog we are going to discuss the clothing we suggest for a winter photography outing.


Bonus Photography Tips For Aurora Photography

This blog post is going to dig into the bonus tips that will help you create better aurora images. This section will deal with some of the little things that will keep you comfortable, motivated, and ready to take aurora images when they appear in the skies.


Composition and Shooting Tips For Aurora Photography

This blog post will give you suggestions on how to set your camera up to start taking aurora images. You will also learn composition tips on how to create better images.


my Favorite Locations FOr Aurora Photography

What are the best locations around the globe to photograph the northern lights? In this blog, I will give you my favorite locations to photograph the aurora around the globe.

You can skip the posts, obviously, but the series of blog posts we have created is designed to have each section logically build upon the previous, so we hope that you read all the lessons for maximum learning impact.

Are you all ready to get started? We’re going to begin by sharing the photography gear to help you take the best images of the northern lights.

Best Cameras for Northern Light Photography >