More Winter Photography Tips from the Yukon

Shoot - Review - Get back out there and do it again

When people contact me about a workshop, I get asked these two questions the most...

(1) I am a beginner, is this workshop to advanced for me?

(2) What am I going to learn on the workshop? 

Morning Presentations before we hit the field

Morning Presentations before we hit the field

Lets take this week for example... this week we focused on how to get the best wildlife images you can take... composition, camera settings, and editing...

Below are two images... The one taken on the left by a person that was on the workshop when we went out in the morning... 

The feedback offered to them on composition was to allow the animal room to move inside the image... I would have placed the Lynx on the left of the frame... 

The feedback on settings was to shoot more in MANUAL mode and because we are shooting in the snow you need to shoot one full stop over on a sunny day and two full stops over on a cloudy day. Why? Snow tricks your camera because it is trying to achieve 18% grey... so to eliminate blue or dark grey in the shadows, use your exposure compensation and shoot to the right by a stop or two. 

After the feedback, the image on the right is end end result after some discussuoin with the attendee of the workshop

Here is an example of a photo taken in the morning session by a participant

Here is an example of a photo taken in the morning session by a participant

Participant photo retake in the afternoon after the review

Participant photo retake in the afternoon after the review

If you want to learn more photo techniques and want to come up here to take photos like the ones in this post, check out the next winter photo workshop that is planned. 

Kevin A Pepper1 Comment